Reference for .sby file format

A .sby file consists of sections. Each section start with a single-line section header in square brackets. The order of sections in a .sby file is for the most part irrelevant, but by convention the usual order is [tasks], [options], [engines], [script], and [files].

Tasks section

The optional [tasks] section can be used to configure multiple verification tasks in a single .sby file. Each line in the [tasks] section configures one task. For example:

task1 task_1_or_2 task_1_or_3
task2 task_1_or_2
task3 task_1_or_3

Each task can be assigned additional group aliases, such as task_1_or_2 and task_1_or_3 in the above example.

One or more tasks can be specified as additional command line arguments when calling sby on a .sby file:

sby example.sby task2

If no task is specified then all tasks in the [tasks] section are run.

After the [tasks] section individual lines can be specified for specific tasks or task groups:

task_1_or_2: mode bmc
task_1_or_2: depth 100
task3: mode prove

If the tag <taskname>: is used on a line by itself then the conditional string extends until the next conditional block or -- on a line by itself.

mode bmc
depth 100

mode prove

The tag ~<taskname>: can be used for a line or block that should not be used when the given task is active:

mode bmc
depth 100

mode prove

The following example demonstrates how to configure safety and liveness checks for all combinations of some host implementations A and B and device implementations X and Y:

prove_hAdX prove hostA deviceX
prove_hBdX prove hostB deviceX
prove_hAdY prove hostA deviceY
prove_hBdY prove hostB deviceY
live_hAdX live hostA deviceX
live_hBdX live hostB deviceX
live_hAdY live hostA deviceY
live_hBdY live hostB deviceY

prove: mode prove
live: mode live

prove: abc pdr
live: aiger suprove

hostA: read -sv hostA.v
hostB: read -sv hostB.v
deviceX: read -sv deviceX.v
deviceY: read -sv deviceY.v

The [tasks] section must appear in the .sby file before the first <taskname>: or ~<taskname>: tag.

The command sby --dumptasks <sby_file> prints the list of all tasks defined in a given .sby file.

Options section

The [options] section contains lines with key-value pairs. The mode option is mandatory. The possible values for the mode option are:




Bounded model check to verify safety properties (assert(...) statements)


Unbounded model check to verify safety properties (assert(...) statements)


Unbounded model check to verify liveness properties (assert(s_eventually ...) statements)


Generate set of shortest traces required to reach all cover() statements

All other options have default values and thus are optional. The available options are:






Expected result as comma-separated list of the tokens pass, fail, unknown, error, and timeout. Unexpected results yield a nonzero return code . Default: pass



Timeout in seconds. Default: none (i.e. no timeout)



Create a model with multiple clocks and/or asynchronous logic. Values: on, off. Default: off



Instead of terminating when the first engine returns, wait for all engines to return and check for consistency. Values: on, off. Default: off



Write VCD traces for counter-example or cover traces. Values: on, off. Default: on



When generating VCD traces, use Yosys’s sim command. Replaces the engine native VCD output. Values: on, off. Default: off



Generate FST traces using Yosys’s sim command. Values: on, off. Default: off



Which SMT2 solver to use for converting AIGER witnesses to counter example traces. Use none to disable conversion of AIGER witnesses. Default: yices



The top module for generated Verilog test benches, as hierarchical path relative to the design top module.



Force generation of the named formal models. Takes a comma-separated list of model names. For a model <name> this will generate the model/design_<name>.* files within the working directory, even when not required to run the task.


bmc, prove, cover

Pass this .smtc file to the smtbmc engine. All other engines are disabled when this option is used. Default: None


bmc, cover

Depth of the bounded model check. Only the specified number of cycles are considered. Default: 20


Depth for the k-induction performed by the smtbmc engine. Other engines ignore this option in prove mode. Default: 20


bmc, cover

Skip the specified number of time steps. Only valid with smtbmc engine. All other engines are disabled when this option is used. Default: None


bmc, prove, cover

When generating a counter-example trace, add the specified number of cycles at the end of the trace. Default: 0


bmc, prove, cover

Uphold assumptions when appending cycles at the end of the trace. Depending on the engine and options used this may be implicitly on or not supported (as indicated in SBY’s log output). Values: on, off. Default: on

Engines section

The [engines] section configures which engines should be used to solve the given problem. Each line in the [engines] section specifies one engine. When more than one engine is specified then the result returned by the first engine to finish is used.

Each engine configuration consists of an engine name followed by engine options, usually followed by a solver name and solver options.


smtbmc --syn --nopresat z3 rewriter.cache_all=true opt.enable_sat=true
abc sim3 -W 15

In the first line smtbmc is the engine, --syn --nopresat are engine options, z3 is the solver, and rewriter.cache_all=true opt.enable_sat=true are solver options.

In the 2nd line abc is the engine, there are no engine options, sim3 is the solver, and -W 15 are solver options.

The following mode/engine/solver combinations are currently supported:




smtbmc [all solvers]

btor btormc

btor pono

abc bmc3

abc sim3

aiger smtbmc


smtbmc [all solvers]

abc pdr

aiger avy

aiger suprove


smtbmc [all solvers]

btor btormc


aiger suprove

smtbmc engine

The smtbmc engine supports the bmc, prove, and cover modes and supports the following options:




Don’t use the SMT theory of arrays to model memories. Instead synthesize memories to registers and address logic.


Synthesize the circuit to a gate-level representation instead of using word-level SMT operators. This also runs some low-level logic optimization on the circuit.


Use large bit vectors (instead of uninterpreted functions) to represent the circuit state.


Use SMT-LIB 2.6 datatypes to represent states.


Do not run “presat” SMT queries that make sure that assumptions are non-conflicting (and potentially warmup the SMT solver).


In BMC mode, continue after the first failed assertion and report further failed assertions.

--unroll, --nounroll

Disable/enable unrolling of the SMT problem. The default value depends on the solver being used.


Write the SMT2 trace to an additional output file. (Useful for benchmarking and troubleshooting.)


Enable Yosys-SMTBMC timer display.

Any SMT2 solver that is compatible with yosys-smtbmc can be passed as argument to the smtbmc engine. The solver options are passed to the solver as additional command line options.

The following solvers are currently supported by yosys-smtbmc:

  • yices

  • boolector

  • bitwuzla

  • z3

  • mathsat

  • cvc4

  • cvc5

Any additional options after -- are passed to yosys-smtbmc as-is.

btor engine

The btor engine supports hardware modelcheckers that accept btor2 files. The engine supports no engine options and supports the following solvers:




bmc, cover



Solver options are passed to the solver as additional command line options.

aiger engine

The aiger engine is a generic front-end for hardware modelcheckers that are capable of processing AIGER files. The engine supports no engine options and supports the following solvers:




prove, live





Solver options are passed to the solver as additional command line options.

abc engine

The abc engine is a front-end for the functionality in Berkeley ABC. It currently supports no engine options and supports the following solvers:



ABC Command



bmc3 -F <depth> -v



sim3 -F <depth> -v




Solver options are passed as additional arguments to the ABC command implementing the solver.

none engine

The none engine does not run any solver. It can be used together with the make_model option to manually generate any model supported by one of the other engines. This makes it easier to use the same models outside of sby.

Script section

The [script] section contains the Yosys script that reads and elaborates the design under test. For example, for a simple project contained in a single design file with the top-module mytest:

read -sv
prep -top mytest

Or explicitly using the Verific SystemVerilog parser (default for read -sv when Yosys is built with Verific support):

verific -sv
verific -import mytest
prep -top mytest

Or explicitly using the native Yosys Verilog parser (default for read -sv when Yosys is not built with Verific support):

read_verilog -sv
prep -top mytest

Run yosys in a terminal window and enter help on the Yosys prompt for a command list. Run help <command> for a detailed description of the command, for example help prep.

Files section

The files section lists the source files for the proof, meaning all the files Yosys will need to access when reading the design, including for example data files for $readmemh and $readmemb.

sby copies these files to <outdir>/src/ before running the Yosys script. When the Yosys script is executed, it will use the copies in <outdir>/src/. (Alternatively absolute filenames can be used in the Yosys script for files not listed in the files section.)

For example:


Will copy these files as top.v, defines.vh, and to <outdir>/src/.

If the name of the file in <outdir>/src/ should be different from the basename of the specified file, then the new file name can be specified before the source file name. For example:

defines.vh ../common/defines_footest.vh
foo/ /data/prj42/modules/

File sections

File sections can be used to create additional files in <outdir>/src/ from the literal content of the [file <filename>] section (“here document”). For example:

[file params.vh]
`define RESET_LEN 42
`define FAULT_CYCLE 57

Pycode blocks

Blocks enclosed in --pycode-begin-- and --pycode-end-- lines are interpreted as Python code. The function output(line) can be used to add configuration file lines from the python code. The variable task contains the current task name, if any, and None otherwise. The variable tags contains a set of all tags associated with the current task.

for uut in "rotate reflect".split():
  for op in "SRL SRA SLL SRO SLO ROR ROL FSR FSL".split():
    output("%s_%s %s %s" % (uut, op, uut, op))


for op in "SRL SRA SLL SRO SLO ROR ROL FSR FSL".split():
  if op in tags:
    output("read -define %s" % op)
rotate: read -define UUT=shifter_rotate
reflect: read -define UUT=shifter_reflect
read -sv test.v
read -sv shifter_reflect.v
read -sv shifter_rotate.v
prep -top test


The command sby --dumpcfg <sby_file> can be used to print the configuration without specialization for any particular task, and sby --dumpcfg <sby_file> <task_name> can be used to print the configuration with specialization for a particular task.