proc - translate processes to netlists¶
- yosys> help proc¶
proc [options] [selection]
This pass calls all the other proc_* passes in the most common order. proc_clean proc_rmdead proc_prune proc_init proc_arst proc_rom proc_mux proc_dlatch proc_dff proc_memwr proc_clean opt_expr -keepdc This replaces the processes in the design with multiplexers, flip-flops and latches. The following options are supported:
Will omit the proc_mux pass.
Will omit the proc_rom pass.
-global_arst [!]<netname>
This option is passed through to proc_arst.
This option is passed through to proc_mux. proc_rmdead is not executed in -ifx mode.
Will omit the opt_expr pass.