Hashing and associative data structures in Yosys

Container classes based on hashing

Yosys uses dict<K, T> and pool<T> as main container classes. dict<K, T> is essentially a replacement for std::unordered_map<K, T> and pool<T> is a replacement for std::unordered_set<T>. The main characteristics are:

  • dict<K, T> and pool<T> are about 2x faster than the std containers

    (though this claim hasn’t been verified for over 10 years)

  • references to elements in a dict<K, T> or pool<T> are invalidated by

    insert and remove operations (similar to std::vector<T> on push_back()).

  • some iterators are invalidated by erase(). specifically, iterators

    that have not passed the erased element yet are invalidated. (erase() itself returns valid iterator to the next element.)

  • no iterators are invalidated by insert(). elements are inserted at

    begin(). i.e. only a new iterator that starts at begin() will see the inserted elements.

  • the method .count(key, iterator) is like .count(key) but only

    considers elements that can be reached via the iterator.

  • iterators can be compared. it1 < it2 means that the position of t2

    can be reached via t1 but not vice versa.

  • the method .sort() can be used to sort the elements in the container

    the container stays sorted until elements are added or removed.

  • dict<K, T> and pool<T> will have the same order of iteration across

    all compilers, standard libraries and architectures.

In addition to dict<K, T> and pool<T> there is also an idict<K> that creates a bijective map from K to the integers. For example:

idict<string, 42> si;
log("%d\n", si("hello"));      // will print 42
log("%d\n", si("world"));      // will print 43
log("%d\n", si.at("world"));   // will print 43
log("%d\n", si.at("dummy"));   // will throw exception
log("%s\n", si[42].c_str()));  // will print hello
log("%s\n", si[43].c_str()));  // will print world
log("%s\n", si[44].c_str()));  // will throw exception

It is not possible to remove elements from an idict.

Finally mfp<K> implements a merge-find set data structure (aka. disjoint-set or union-find) over the type K (“mfp” = merge-find-promote).

The hash function

The hash function generally used in Yosys is the XOR version of DJB2:

state = ((state << 5) + state) ^ value

This is an old-school hash designed to hash ASCII characters. Yosys doesn’t hash a lot of ASCII text, but it still happens to be a local optimum due to factors described later.

Hash function quality is multi-faceted and highly dependent on what is being hashed. Yosys isn’t concerned by any cryptographic qualities, instead the goal is minimizing total hashing collision risk given the data patterns within Yosys. In general, a good hash function typically folds values into a state accumulator with a mathematical function that is fast to compute and has some beneficial properties. One of these is the avalanche property, which demands that a small change such as flipping a bit or incrementing by one in the input produces a large, unpredictable change in the output. Additionally, the bit independence criterion states that any pair of output bits should change independently when any single input bit is inverted. These properties are important for avoiding hash collision on data patterns like the hash of a sequence not colliding with its permutation, not losing from the state the information added by hashing preceding elements, etc.

DJB2 lacks these properties. Instead, since Yosys hashes large numbers of data structures composed of incrementing integer IDs, Yosys abuses the predictability of DJB2 to get lower hash collisions, with regular nature of the hashes surviving through the interaction with the “modulo prime” operations in the associative data structures. For example, some most common objects in Yosys are interned IdStrings of incrementing indices or SigBits with bit offsets into wire (represented by its unique IdString name) as the typical case. This is what makes DJB2 a local optimum. Additionally, the ADD version of DJB2 (like above but with addition instead of XOR) is used to this end for some types, abandoning the general pattern of folding values into a state value.

Making a type hashable

Let’s first take a look at the external interface on a simplified level. Generally, to get the hash for T obj, you would call the utility function run_hash<T>(const T& obj), corresponding to hash_ops<T>::hash(obj), the default implementation of which uses hash_ops<T>::hash_into(Hasher(), obj). Hasher is the class actually implementing the hash function, hiding its initialized internal state, and passing it out on hash_t yield() with perhaps some finalization steps.

hash_ops<T> is the star of the show. By default it pulls the Hasher h through a Hasher T::hash_into(Hasher h) method. That’s the method you have to implement to make a record (class or struct) type easily hashable with Yosys hashlib associative data structures.

hash_ops<T> is specialized for built-in types like int or bool and treats pointers the same as integers, so it doesn’t dereference pointers. Since many RTLIL data structures like RTLIL::Wire carry their own unique index Hasher::hash_t hashidx_;, there are specializations for hash_ops<Wire*> and others in kernel/hashlib.h that actually dereference the pointers and call hash_into on the instances pointed to.

hash_ops<T> is also specialized for simple compound types like std::pair<U> by calling hash_into in sequence on its members. For flexible size containers like std::vector<U> the size of the container is hashed first. That is also how implementing hashing for a custom record data type should be - unless there is strong reason to do otherwise, call h.eat(m) on the Hasher h you have received for each member in sequence and return h;.

The hash_ops<T>::hash(obj) method is not indended to be called when context of implementing the hashing for a record or other compound type. When writing it, you should connect it to hash_ops<T>::hash_into(Hasher h) as shown below. If you have a strong reason to do so, and you have to create a special implementation for top-level hashing, look at how hash_ops<RTLIL::SigBit>::hash(...) is implemented in kernel/rtlil.h.

Porting plugins from the legacy interface

Previously, the interface to implement hashing on custom types was just unsigned int T::hash() const. This meant hashes for members were computed independently and then ad-hoc combined with the hash function with some xorshift operations thrown in to mix bits together somewhat. A plugin can stay compatible with both versions prior and after the break by implementing both interfaces based on the existance and value of YS_HASHING_VERSION.

Listing 114 Example hash compatibility wrapper
unsigned int T::hash() const {
   return mkhash(a, b);
Hasher T::hash_into(Hasher h) const {
   return h;
Hasher T::hash() const {
   Hasher h;
   return h;
#error "Unsupported hashing interface"

Feel free to contact Yosys maintainers with related issues.