synth_anlogic - synthesis for Anlogic FPGAs¶
- yosys> help synth_anlogic¶
synth_anlogic [options]
This command runs synthesis for Anlogic FPGAs.
-top <module>
use the specified module as top module
-edif <file>
write the design to the specified EDIF file. writing of an output file is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
-json <file>
write the design to the specified JSON file. writing of an output file is omitted if this parameter is not specified.
-run <from_label>:<to_label>
only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is synonymous to the end of the command list.
do not flatten design before synthesis
run 'abc' with '-dff -D 1' options
do not use EG_LOGIC_DRAM16X4 cells in output netlist
do not use EG_PHY_BRAM or EG_PHY_BRAM32K cells in output netlist
The following commands are executed by this synthesis command: begin: read_verilog -lib +/anlogic/cells_sim.v +/anlogic/eagle_bb.v hierarchy -check -top <top> flatten: (unless -noflatten) proc flatten tribuf -logic deminout coarse: synth -run coarse map_ram: memory_libmap -lib +/anlogic/lutrams.txt -lib +/anlogic/brams.txt [-no-auto-block] [-no-auto-distributed] (-no-auto-block if -nobram, -no-auto-distributed if -nolutram) techmap -map +/anlogic/lutrams_map.v -map +/anlogic/brams_map.v map_ffram: opt -fast -mux_undef -undriven -fine memory_map opt -undriven -fine map_gates: techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/anlogic/arith_map.v opt -fast abc -dff -D 1 (only if -retime) map_ffs: dfflegalize -cell $_DFFE_P??P_ r -cell $_SDFFE_P??P_ r -cell $_DLATCH_N??_ r techmap -D NO_LUT -map +/anlogic/cells_map.v opt_expr -mux_undef simplemap map_luts: abc -lut 4:6 clean map_cells: techmap -map +/anlogic/cells_map.v clean map_anlogic: anlogic_fixcarry anlogic_eqn check: hierarchy -check stat check -noinit blackbox =A:whitebox edif: write_edif <file-name> json: write_json <file-name>